SC and HC Judgments Online at MyNation

Judgments of Supreme Court of India and High Courts

Sections 498A/302 Of The Indian … vs In Re: Pintu Ghosh on 23 April, 2020

1 23.04.2020 Sl. No.64 as/akd [INTERIM BAIL] C. R. M. 3286 of 2020 [via video conferencing] In Re: An application for bail under Section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in connection with Baranagar Police Station Case No.642 of 2019 dated 03.12.2019 under Sections…

Sections 498A/302 Of The Indian … vs In Re: Pintu Ghosh on 23 April, 2020

1 23.04.2020 Sl. No.64 as/akd [INTERIM BAIL] C. R. M. 3286 of 2020 [via video conferencing] In Re: An application for bail under Section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in connection with Baranagar Police Station Case No.642 of 2019 dated 03.12.2019 under Sections…

498A/306/34 Of The Indian Penal … vs In Re: Susmita Biswas & Ors on 13 March, 2020

1 13.03.2020 Court No.28 Sl No.69 AP CRM 2712 of 2020 In Re: An application for anticipatory bail under Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure filed on 12.03.2020 in connection with Chapra P.S. Case No.63/2020 dated 29.02.2020 under Sections 498A/306/34 of the Indian…

498A/304B/406/34 Of The Indian … vs Allowed on 13 March, 2020

1 13.03.2020 tkm/ct 28 C.R.M. 2715 of 2020 sl no. 132 In Re : An application for bail under section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in connection with Kaliyaganj P.S. Case No.290 of 2019 dated 20.11.2019 under Sections 498A/304B/406/34 of the Indian Penal…

Under Sections 498A/406 Of The … vs In Re: Arnab Acharjo @ Arnab … on 16 March, 2020

1 16.03.2020 65 sdas allowed C.R.M. No. 2773 of 2020 In Re.: An application for anticipatory bail under Section 438 of the Code of Criminal Procedure filed on 13.03.2020 in connection with Narayanpur Police Station Case No. 18 of 2020 dated 27.02.2020 under Sections 498A/406…

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