MyNation Home Remedies And Tips

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Premenstrual syndrome and diet

In PMS, symptoms can be controlled to some extent by the dietary manipulation. Studies suggest that a diet high in carbohydrate and low in fat is helpful. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) dietary supplementation will help patients of PMS to counter premenstrual depression, lethargy and even water retention which is characterized by a bloating, breast tenderness and swelling of fingers, toes and face. Cutting down on salt can help to reduce water retention.

Foods rich in vitamin B6 are fish, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin E rich wheat germ will help to reduce the breast tenderness. The mineral calcium can reduce the menstrual pain and the premenstrual tension. It should be supplied through the food. Milk, curd, paneer, fenugreek leaves, drumstick leaves, ragi are the rich sources of calcium. Evening prime rose oil is very effective in the treatment of pain and discomfort related to PMS.

Regular walking, abdominal and pelvic exercises noticed to have helpful effects on reducing the premenstrual syndrome symptoms. Studies suggest that caffeine can worsen the symptoms of PMS. Abruptly cutting down caffeine in coffee and tea can make things worse so the intake should be decreased or reduced prior to one week before menstruation.

Some women who suffer from PMS have a craving for food especially for sweets. It satisfies their hunger and boosts their mood by increasing their sugar levels. But after this sugar they experience headaches, palpitations or fatigue. If you also find the similar symptoms try eating small meals regularly to keep blood sugar levels stable. Chocolate should be avoided since it aggravates mood swings and behavoiur changes. Other foods to be avoided are refined carbohydrates, sugars, coffee, tea and tobacco. Foods that are oily, fried or spicy are preferably to be avoided. Like wise eating meat is not advisable during these days.

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