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Diana was pregnant when she died ?

When she married Prince Charles in 1981, Diana, Princess of Wales, was a virgin, a status infamously tested by the Royal Family before they would allow the heir to the throne to step down the aisle.

But by the time her marriage had disintegrated around her, Diana was already well adept at spreading her … wings, despite the fact she once claimed to have been a nun in a previous existence. Until her final, passionate affair with Dodi Al Fayed, it appears that Diana was not interested in a long term link up but merely craved close human contact. “If I fall in love,” she said, “the sparks will fly and god help us.”

In a unique LondonNet guide, we bring you the ten men, from bodyguard to rugby star, who may or may not have shared physical intimacies with Diana, one of the most apparently untouchable icons of them all.

Princess Diana was “almost certainly” nine to ten weeks pregnant when she died, it has been claimed.

French investigative journalist Chris Laffaille says he uncovered evidence of the pregnancy from official archives of the Paris hospital where the princess was taken after the crash on the night of August 31, 1997.

If genuine, says Laffaille, it would mean Diana’s unborn child would not have been fathered by Dodi Fayed because she had not met him nine weeks before her death.

Instead, he said, the baby may have been conceived while she was seeing London doctor Hasnat Khan.

Laffaille makes the claim despite a categoric statement by John Burton, former royal coroner present at the post-mortem examination on Diana, who said: “She wasn’t pregnant. I have seen into her womb.”

Laffaille, a former reporter with the magazine Paris Match, says he has conducted a detailed re-examination of all the evidence surrounding the crash.

The resulting book, Diana: The Inquiry They Never Published, is being released on August 27.

It is being described as one of many attempts to cash in ten years after Diana’s death but it also revives conspiracy theories that have plagued the investigation into how she died.

Laffaille agrees with the verdict of the official French inquiry in the crash, that Diana and Dodi were the victims of a high speed drink-driving accident.

But he also says there are still “many unanswered questions” surrounding the death, especially the issue of whether Diana was pregnant.

He said: “It is a near certainty that Diana was nine to ten weeks pregnant at the time she died, according to papers from the Paris Public Hospitals archives.

“The letter dated August 31, 1997, was sent to the then minister of the interior Jean-Pierre Chevenement, and copies sent to health minister Bernard Kouchner, foreign affairs minister Hubert Vedrine and the Paris police chief Martine Monteil.”

Laffaille added: “This document has never been claimed or proved to be a fake.”

However, a spokesman for the Paris Public Hospitals last night dismissed the letter as a forgery, which had first been circulated shortly after Diana’s death.

“Examination of this document has established with absolute certainty that it is a fake,” he said.

“It is ridiculous. Many of the medics who treated Diana remain at the hospital, and all deny the claims contained in this forged letter.”

Now the question is, if she was pregnent, then by whom….?

Her lover list is long… these are few men she shared her bed (is it women birth right ? i just wonder )

Prince Charles – big ears, big ego, big trouble
Barry Mannakee – body to body guard
David Waterhouse – man in uniform
James Gilbey – loyalty gets its reward
James Hewitt – Di: “I adored him”
Oliver Hoare – paints a nice picture
William Carling – scrum down with rugby star
Doctor Hasnar Khan – knew how to care for a woman
Bryan Adams – (Everything I Do) I Do It For Di
Dodi Fayed – true love at last

Its upto you to decide who may be the Father…

Source : >>.1.2

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