Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

What has eroded the position of men ?

Since the pre historic times the man in the family had the important place. He was having the position and role without which the family could not be imagined and therefore was the head of the family. It is in sharp contrast to the situation in todays world where the man is conspicuously absent from the designs of the family In the every initiative that is taken for the improvement of family life the things rotate around the women and the children. Be it the UN scheme or of federal govt or state or even a NGO.

Position as a head of family was a position not secured by any tyranny as alleged by the feminists but position and rank earned by over the generations of men spanning hundreds and thousands of years. It was not a position, which was secured by cheating or fraud but by the sacrifice of the comforts, toiling through sweat, shedding the blood and the sacrifice of limbs and at times of the life too.

In the era of machines and the materialistic comforts it is difficult to gauge the fact that the position of men was not earned by some conspiracy but but their sheer grit and determinism.

To be the earner and the breadwinner was not a easy task a century back. In todays world the task of earning money is very comfortable. You get up comfortably somewhat late, enjoy the ride of few miles in your personal car and reach your air-conditioned office. You move some files, hold the meetings, work on your computer, talk over the phone and deal is made. Lo behold, you have earned the money and the won the bread for your family. This job which is sedentary can be done equally well by men and women (more efficiently by women as claimed by feminists) and does not involve the use of any athletic ability, is free from any risk to your limb or life and can be done in the comfort as good as your home.

A century back this was not the scene. Earning for your family in general means that you have to get up early, as soon as the sunlight breaks as you have to compete with the fellow men as well as the animals for the limited food and water available. Then the bread winner has to take a long journey either over his foot or pedal down a cycle or over the horse out of which first two were tiresome and riding if not tiresome a mode in which you were never sure when you will get hurted. Ay the workplace the work comprised of toiling in the fields in the open in the sun or rain or sometimes-facing snow. Often using the tools that were heavy and crude. The hands and feet of the men were often bearing the rough marks. Traveling through large deserts and uninhabited places was the part of life of the men who were traders. You were never sure what might strike you in the journey but yes the men had the courage and the grit to travel for weeks away from the comforts of the home just to feed their family. Just compare the trading in todays word where you scan over the computer for recent derivatives and just click to get the deal through.

Even in the industrial sector the main force of running the machines was the mans muscles and sometimes the firewood. It was not a cool job where you only have to press the buttons and the things will be completed by the machines powered by the oil or electricity.

Earning the bread and butter for your family was not a childs play or for that matter a womans play. It was hazard, which the men faced and saved their women folk. Still the crazy feminists cry hoarse over that the women have been deprived. Even in todays world whenever the job is hazardous the women are conspicuous from their absence. Even in the police and military when one scans for the list of the martyrs one is hard pressed to find the name of women there though they proudly boast of their presence in these forces. Men do all the jobs, which are hazardous but are not hot like mining or under-water dredging or distributing milk. No cries of feminism are heard there.

What brought in the change ?

Ever thought what will happen to the feminism when a terrorist strike damages the communication network, blows up the oil refinery and the power plant depriving an urban area of its easy available artificial energy. How many women will be able to lead the independent life? Or for that matter a natural disaster ?
This is not to say that there were never cruel and bad men in the society The people will have the different shades of the grey both men and women alike. By and large a majority of men and women will be in fair zone with some strengths and weaknesses. But the issue is of the recent attempts of feminists to paint men in black and women in white.

Dr Sudeep Kumar – INDIA.

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