Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Arthur Freeman Guilty or not Guilty

[29/01/2009] – On 10th Death anniversary of Darcey Freeman’s of Melbourne murder, question remains what made her Father Arthur Freeman take such a drastic step to throw 4 year old Darcey Freeman from the West Gate Bridge on what was supposed to be her first day of school.

The morning Arthur Freeman threw Darcey off the West Gate Bridge, Freeman called a friend in tears about losing a custody battle, other 2 children were happy with him and they were not abused, well fed and well dressed when he was driving them to school from his parents home almost 150 km away. just before he stopped his car on the West Gate Bridge as per phone records, he made a last call to his children mother who shouted at him, for being late at school as she was waiting Darcey with the her uniform.

When Arthur Freeman called his friend in UK, he clearly said about women in court who are against him and support Darceys mother in child custody.

No matter how good Father is, our biased legal system, always give custody to Mother, so she can make money in the name of Child Custody.

I can say whatever crime Arthur Freeman is committed i can blame it on biased legal system.

If they gave Shared Parenting, Darcey freeman would have been 14 years old Today.

Freeman was sentenced a 32 years’ jail for the murder.

After all its all about money, for women.

In 2012, Feminists launched civil action in the Victorian Supreme Court, alleging VicRoads ignored long-term warnings about the need for safety barriers on the bridge.

The parties had been due to appear in court again, but the court said Darcey Mother had now settled her claim for an undisclosed amount.

Its upto reader to decide, who profited with innocent angles death and who went to jail.

5 thoughts on “Arthur Freeman Guilty or not Guilty

  1. What a load of rubbish this article talks. Normally a woman is best suited to raise children, it’s NOT about custody for money. If Freeman had been a normal father he would have died before letting any harm come to any of his children. it is obvious that all he wanted to do was to spite Darcey’s mother and he also threatened the other two children as well. This man was EVIL and the guilty verdict was justified. I hope he rots in jail for the cruel ancaring death of an innocent child.

  2. Hi Meryl – you are either unscrupulous or unread to talk this nonsense. World renowned doctors & psychologists have concluded that any child needs both parents. The latest studies from USA says children probably need father more even though one cannot replace another. You seem to more like Sinead Clarkson as mentioned in link below. So please stay away with your archaic views.


  3. Bevan, don’t be narrow minded. If you feel mother is best suited, that is just a prejudice.

    You don’t know bit about life. There are thousands of times, where mother along her suicide or just felt threatened has killed her OWN CHILDREN.

    In new times, she started killing them for LUST and LOVE. Keep your thoughts even for children killed by MOTHER. Gone are the times of breastfeeding and mother/father are same to raise a kid. This is the naked TRUTH.

  4. Bevan, don’t be narrow minded. If you feel mother is best suited, that is just a prejudice.

    You don’t know bit about life. There are thousands of times, where mother along her suicide or just felt threatened has killed her OWN CHILDREN.

    In new times, she started killing them for LUST and LOVE. Keep your thoughts even for children killed by MOTHER. Gone are the times of breastfeeding and mother/father are same to raise a kid. This is the naked TRUTH.

  5. Mr / Ms. Merryl Bevan,

    I am impressed with your reply. I appreciate your approval of punishment. Hope you have never, ever done anything wrong in your life, even by mistake, including but not limited to, being late, even once, scolding anyone, even by accident etc… because with the punishment standard you have set for other, I think you would have hanged your self by now, if you have done even a mistake. Hope to see you sometime.

    A small local simile comes to my mind, hope I can share, with your honourable permission.

    Once a fellow human being was running around shouting foul smell everywhere, on everyone, everything etc… then that being realised of not cleaning own self’s stool, and the foul smell was of own self. After cleaning self foul smell disappeared.

    So there is a local saying which translates “please clean your own shit before finding fault with others”

    Many of us are judges of others mistakes and advocates of our own mistake. How mean?

    Thought above has no connection with your comment, was just trying to highlight how few crooked women, though able, educated, and rich, still, without any self respect, beg men in the name of maintenance, file fabricated case etc…

    Have a good day

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