Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Criminals are Made, Not Born.

Criminals are Made, Not Born.

Made , How ? my Friend asked.

i Replied, who are naxalites?

He said, They are Criminals;

I said no, they forced to be Criminals; for some they are god; situation make them to do those anti Social Activities; Our governement Laws made them Criminals.

Look at me; I`m accused under Indian Penal code 498A, for last 6 years;
yea I`m Innocent unless proven guilty; but Police/Judge treat me like Criminal, no one ready to listen to the truth. I`m getting Court Dates after dates, Even she has not came for single date.

There are so many such Laws, which harass men for no reason;
Dowry Prohibition Act – IPC 498A;
Rape Laws;
Domestic Violence Bill Laws.
Divorce Laws;
Child custody Laws;

which most of the time goes Against men, which just favor women.

Modren women knows about these Laws, and misuse of these laws is in Mass scale and wide spread.
here is some of Victims Stories

Government knows about this misuse, still they turn blind eye.
Supreme Court Called it “Legal Terrorism”
Still there is no Amendment or Punishment for misuser.

If same trend Continued, soon there will be Armed uprising Against Such Laws and Governement.

One of the 498A Victim said,
If i killed my wife, before this 498a effected me, i would have FREE by now after 7 years; but this 498A is harassing me for last 8 years,still there is no sign of relief.

So, If we take Arms Against such Law, tomorrow Government will brand us as Criminals;
So Criminals are made not BORN.

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