Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


There was a WhatsApp message circulating on Social Media. Message is as below.


One morning at our Law College, when our new teacher for “Introduction to Rights” entered the classroom, the first thing he did was to ask the name of a student who was seated on the first bench: “What is your name?”

“My name is Juan, Sir.”

“Leave the classroom and I don’t want to ever see you in my class ever!” screamed the unpleasant teacher.

Juan was bewildered. When he got hold of his senses, he got up quickly, collected his belongings and left the classroom.

All were scared and angry; however nobody spoke anything.

“Well, let’s start the class,” said the new teacher. “What purpose do the enacted laws serve?”

We were afraid, but slowly gained confidence and we began to answer his questions.

“So that there is order in our society.”

“No!” the teacher shouted.

“So that people pay for their wrong actions?”

“No! Doesn’t anybody here have enough brains to know the answer to this question?!” asked the teacher, sarcastically.

“So that there is justice,” said a girl timidly.

“At last! One person who is not a complete moron! That’s correct…. so that there is justice. And now, what is the use of justice?”

All of us were extremely uneasy with his rude attitude. However, we continued trying to answer….

“To safeguard human rights.”

“Well, what more?” asked the teacher.

“To differentiate right from wrong and to reward the good.”

“Ok, that’s not bad. However, answer this question: Did I act correctly when expelling Juan from the classroom?”

All were quiet, nobody answered.

“I want a decisive and unanimous answer!” he shouted.

“No!” we all replied in unison.

“Then could you say I committed an injustice?”


Then his voice softened and he asked, “And why did nobody do anything in that respect? So why do we need rules and laws if we don’t have the necessary will to practice them? Each one of you has an obligation to do something when you witness an injustice. ALL of you! Do not stay quiet, never again! Go and call Juan,” he said staring at me.

On that day, I received the most practical lesson in my course of Law. When we don’t defend our rights, we lose our dignity, and dignity is not negotiable.

Above message on to Preach. In Practical it will not be materialized. Especially in India.

In India, Law is FOR SALE. Rich can buy expensive Lawyers, Judges and verdict is their favor.

No Law will affect any Politician. And they use for their Benefit only.

Protector of law can misuse law. They can arrest anyone without any enquiry or Investigation.

Laws are made on Political Agenda to manipulate situation to control people.

Indian women has special privileges, they can file any false on anyone without fear of any punishment for misusing it.

Indian Men have not rights so there is no Human rights violation.

Some cases are running for decades, so Justice delayed, Justice denied.

No one will react when Law abuse someone, Police can encounter and there will be no investigation, Puppet Human rights organisations has no voice, no Men has any option to report their harassment or Abuse.

even there is widespread cry of laws abuse, Law makers will not change any laws unless it benefit them.

Law makers can Change or enact law, with one incident of Women, but thousands of Men die but no laws made for them.

For Politicians only Women Lives matters, Men Lives doesn’t matter, because Politicians can use Women as Vote Bank.

Many Men are accused falsely, lost their livelihood and precious time but when acquitted there is no option of compensation, not there is any accountability to Politicians or Law makers

And there is no Value for Dignity in India, still people keep on forwarding useless messages.

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