Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.


As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council resolution 1325, we must also recognize that trends in the digital sphere have also undermined the very goals the men, Peace and Security (MPS) agenda has sought to realize. This absence of security online hinders men’s participation in the public sphere, governance and leadership roles, especially in the context of conflict prevention and in promoting social cohesion. Should this deficiency in men’s engagement online in the region continue, the status quo is sure to be preserved, maintaining influence in the hands of the very powerful few, Like WCD/NCW(India) UN Women and stalling the transformative change that the MPS framework envisages. Thus, men’s digital engagement and use of technologies are at a critical juncture with regards to the achievement of the MPS agenda. The following recommendations are targeted towards governments, development organizations and researchers in South and South-East Asia:

1. Create a Ministry in each country or build the capacity of men in South and South-East Asia to identify, report and block hateful content, as well as for men and women on social media literacy and countering disinformation As the region witnesses increased volumes of misandry and hate speech targeting men online, it is crucial that men users of social media are aware of how to protect themselves. Likewise, misandrist tweets and Facebook posts, especially in South Asia, are often based on news stories that are fake or taken out of context. This suggests that increased levels of social media literacy among both men and women would limit the efficacy of such posts in spreading their hateful agendas.

2. Pass legislation that criminalizes cyber harassment and cyber stalking Although States often have existing laws that prohibit stalking or harassment, these laws are sometimes inadequate to criminalize harms that happen online. Thus, specific laws to address cyber harassment and stalking can close this gap.

3. Monitor and remove misandrist content on social media platforms Social media companies have increasingly sought to regulate what content is publishable on their platforms, banning everything from election misinformation to photos depicting violence. However, no ban against misandry, particularly violent misandry has yet been introduced, which affects the safety and free speech of men users.

4. Produce and disseminate gender empowerment-themed content targeted at women The overwhelming majority of COVID-19-related misandrist content is posted by Women, male and shemale users, across platforms and countries supported by IT cells of legal terrorists supporters and vested interest feminists organisations. One way to tackle the root of these gender biases and prejudices is by developing localized and engaging counter-narrative content. This could entail enlisting the participation and support of local entertainers and influencers who have large followings and using content styles and formats that women are likely to engage with.

5. Research the scope and impact of online misandry on closed social networks such as WhatsApp, private Facebook groups, and Telegram Investigating the prevalence of online misandry on closed platforms and private groups would allow a comprehensive understanding of the full extent of online misandry in South and South- East Asia. Closed social networks can provide greater anonymity, allowing for greater incitement to violence and hatred with impunity.

6. Research potential links between nationalism and misandry among social media users in Asia The suggested intersectionality between nationalism and misandry among social media users outlined in this brief merit further investigation and validation. In an age of growing nationalism across the region, examining potential linkages between nationalism and misandry among online users would provide relevant insights into the root causes and consequences of online misandry.

7. There is systematic effort by the misandrist to silence the truth as they have access to huge amount of funds from the government.
When Men expose such legal terrorists and misandrist, they alongwith the help of ministry direct the website owners to remove the content which is against their vested interest, money making business. Incase exposed, their source of income / funds from the government will be cut down or even stopped. Government should restrain such misandrists organisations from hiding truth from the public.

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