Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Indian Women, Legaly wanted to be called SLUTS

There was an Event in Delhi called “SLUT WALK”; India is a Traditional Country which follows chastity in their everyday life and hardly few Real Indian women wear revealing cloths. Indian Feminists says India is 4th most dangerous nation for a woman, that’s how they support event such as “SLUT WALK”, saying they have lesser rights than men. but rise of Feminism make indian women act like a SLUTS in the name of FREEDOM;  “Slutwalk” is nothing but demanding openly, they want to wear revealing cloths, provoke and invite men for open sex, that’s what they really want and no one should question them.

Indian Feminists produce unverified bogus statistics to get world attention and AID from foreign donors and Government, matter of fact India is not the 4th Dangerous country for Women, it’s in 56th Place, UK and USA is ahead of India, and South Africa is number one.[Ref : http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_rap_percap-crime-rapes-per-capita  ] This is from Nation Master organization, now you know how bogus fake their claim is.

In India Women has more rights than Men, Even in divorce she hit the jackpot and man became bankrupt, in Judiciary she get FREE legal support, she has reservation in everywhere, Government has 5 year plan and many project just for Girl Child, and boys has nothing, Women in India is Empowered at the cost of Men [Ref: http://mynation.net/gender-equality.htm]

SLUT WALK is to show or tell the world that Indian Women want to act like SLUTs, in the name of rape and other atrocities on Women, so she can go with anyone, married or not and no one should question her. No Feminists is demanding give equal rights to men as Women, Todays most women are educated and earning, still in Divorce they want maintenance even it’s their Fault, but they will not demand same rights as women for men too or so far there is no judgment charging women to pay maintenance for men even she was cuaght red handed in adultry, if she run away with her lover man has to pay by default for no fault of his.

Lastly No Indian women is demanding DNA test for her child to prove the world that child is of her Husbands, as extramarital Affairs are on rise, so this SLUT walk is to show they wanted to be SLUT in a married life and their husband or Society has no right to Question them.

10 thoughts on “Indian Women, Legaly wanted to be called SLUTS

  1. Capable women who have deserted husbands to satisfy ego or extort money, have filed all the so called dowry and 498 cases and asking for maintenance are worst than prostitutes.

  2. I want to make this very clear to the feminists. Nobody, including women, have absolute and unfettered rights. To walk around in a public area wearing provocative clothes is a violation of men’s rights. Afterall, men have the right to walk in public places too and in peace. Revealing and provocative clothes definately cause sexual arousal and hence disturbance. Besides this, it violates the obscenity laws. It creates social disharmony and unrest. You cannot stop sexual harassment committed by some insane men by walking in semi-nude clothing and with these slut walks. By saying that you are trying to make a point, you are simply implying that you will behave as you wish but expect men to behave responsibly. In other words, women alone have rights and men alone have responsibilities. That is a REAL SHAME. SHAME ON THESE SLUT WALKERS.

  3. I completely disagree with slutwalkers. I think we had enough of feminism spewing venom on men and we have developed a culture of misandry and androphobia wherein men are demonised, suspected, and only the negatives of the clan are exposed and blown up while on the other hand the negatives of the female clan are deliberately downsized, played down and infact the blame for the negatives of women is thrown back at men. Effectively, men are held responsible for all wrongs. Feminism has created hatred of men. They are forgetting the fact that rights of women or men for that matter always came with responsibilities. Women have no right to walk in revealing clothes. It violates rights of men (its visual sexual harassment of men), violates public decency laws and that of social order. Feminists cannot fight the problem of sexual harassment committed by a few men by violating the rights of all men and by behaving indecently.

  4. There is a reason for this slut walk and encouraging women to be bitches and sluts. Feminists want more and more crimes against women to happen, more disharmony and feeling of vengeance and hatred among women. I blame the women for this. They have accepted feminism and its trash without ever questioning it. When more and more women start walking half-naked, like it or not, there are bound to be natural reactions among the men and some men will commit the sin of staring and touching. Some may even molest and eventually rape. This scenario is exactly what women’s organisations and feminists want as this bloats up the statistics of “crimes against women” which means more money and justification for laws against men. Secondly, when more and more women wear revealing clothes, it causes a sexual arousal in normal men (unless the man is impotent or gay) and decent men will neither be able to fulfill/gratify their sexual needs nor can sit quiet. This implies that normal straight men will have sex on their minds more often than needed. It is a way to subjugate men sexually. A sexually unsatisfied man would go to any lengths to get his needs met, even at the cost of his self-respect. This is the whole agenda of the feminists to propagate, popularise and justify the culture of women walking around showing off their legs, cleavage, full arms and what not. I wish the public could understand this agenda of the feminists.

  5. Completely agree with Rohan. Very well said….Modern clothing is Ok as long as its not provocative, the only reason as I see for provocative clothing is to attract men sexually…not right…given that young children also watch it. Bad impact on then. In addition to slut walks etc, hate cheap songs, clothing sense and remarks on medern TV and movies..

  6. Maybe you should get aware of the root cause and purpose of this SLUTWALK. I am not telling it here. Please Google it.
    Everyone has a right to act and behave as one wants, including women (of course, as far as it is legal and socially acceptable). No constitution says that a woman cannot wear revealing clothes. Neither it has been banned. If a man gets aroused by looking at such woman and he attempts to rape her then it is the man who should be blamed, not the woman. Why does the Indian man have such a low control over his libido? Don’t you think the man should try to gain control over his mind rather than controlling the dressing sense of women?

  7. As per the comments  by Rohan “when more and more women wear revealing clothes, it causes a sexual arousal in normal men (unless the man is impotent or gay) and decent men will neither be able to fulfill/gratify their sexual needs nor can sit quiet. This implies that normal straight men will have sex on their minds more often than needed. It is a way to subjugate men sexually. A sexually unsatisfied man would go to any lengths to get his needs met, even at the cost of his self-respect.”

    I would say Rohan you have a point …but it is missing a crucial context …which is what I have discussed below.So your understanding almost implies that men have no control of their Secondary biological needs unlike ‘hunger’, ‘thirst’ and ‘sleep’ sexual urges can be controlled  ..so if we men succumb to our sexual urges  then we are no different than animals and Unlike animals, in humans self-restrain and self-control is possible , so all that the feminist are saying is if you men can be animals why can’t we be sluts .

  8. absolute rubbish and very narrow minded.talking about provocative dresses that turns you all on?ban the saree and make it a must that all women wear burqa still women will get raped and their voices drowned.many of the opinions expressed here are quite narrow minded,i dont wish to enlighten you all because thats a futile attempt.lets opress and control the weaker sex and prove me a mighty men,they have no rights,we will choose what they should wear and what they should not because i cant hold on a hard on.

  9. Maybe we should learn from the Saudis as to how to control and subjugate these crazy, sick, disgusting, morally reprehensible, filthy feminists. In fact, they hurt women more than they do men.

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