Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

India will not be Super Power.

As long as Corrupt Politician Rule the Country;
India will not be Super Power.

As Long as Citizen forced to pay heveay Taxes;
India will not be Super Power.

As long as People devided on Religions;
India will not be Super Power.

As long as there is no Gender nuetrality in Judiciary;
India will not be Super Power.

As long Communal forces take law into their hands;
India will not be Super Power.

As long as new Constitution and Laws written, as per time;
India will not be Super Power.

As long as there is quota and Reservation system;
India will not be Super Power.

As long as there is no value for merits;
India will not be Super Power.

As long people Elect uneducated Leaders;
India will not be Super Power.

As long people stop fighting for caste and Language;
India will not be Super Power.

As long as Government make Gender based laws;
India will not be Super Power.

As long as People build temples for People;
India will not be Super power.

As long as Public money in Private Accont;
India will not be Super power.

As long as Government spend billions to rename Old city names;
India will not be Super power.

As long as dumb Feminists judges are in Power;
India will not be Super Power.

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