Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Brain-Mapping and polygraphTests on 498A / Rape

The brain-mapping test is an admissible evidence in the court of law, while a polygraph test report provides in-depth information about the level of conceit by the person in the case .

Why then, the law enforcing machinery in India is not doing the same procedure with the complainant, before registering the FIR under section 498A and arresting the entire families and jailing them without bail?

How and why every woman complainant is being trusted without being sure about true position?

498A law is a specially crafted law to favour feminists, therefore NCW should insist on the scientific investigation at least to control misuse of Indian Feminists laws.

Following is times of India article.

Rape Case on Abhishek Kasliwal

MUMBAI: Abhishek Kasliwal, who has been arrested on a rape charge, will undergo brain mapping and polygraph tests at the Regional Forensic Science Laboratory in Bangalore, police said on Saturday.

The Worli Police have decided to make Abhishek, scion of Shree Ram mills, to undergo the tests to ascertain the truth in the alleged rape incident, since there were a lot of discrepancies between the information provided by him and the complainant, they said.

Abhishek will undergo polygraph test first followed by brain-mapping test at the Bangalore lab, all of which is expected to last for approximately three hours, they said.

The report of brain-mapping test is an admissible evidence in the court of law, while a polygraph test report provides in-depth information about the level of conceit by the person in the case, they said.

A local court had on Friday allowed Mumbai police to subject Abhishek to scientific tests. Abhishek was arrested by Worli police last week on the complaint of a 52-year-old Anglo-Indian woman who has charged him with rape and assault.

Gope Lalwani

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