Reply To: Victim of 498A

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Hello Sir,

Sorry I didn’t mentioned about the lawyer. We had appointed the lawyer to argue for this case. In the charge sheet there are 7 witness from my brother’s wife side and from our side 2 witness. Hearing of all 7 witness is over and today one of our witness explained about the happenings.

Kindly clarify the below points

1) Whether all 7 witness from my brother side will be considered for cross examine or will there be filter on the witness for cross examine

2) Similarly from our side also whether all the witness will be cross examined or will there be filter on the witness for cross examine

3) Since there are differences of statement between FIR, Chargesheet how the judge will consider say for an example if some are mentioned in the FIR and are dropped out in the charge sheet

4) Different witness will give different/same information. THis how judges will be take

5) One of the allegation is that we asked the brothers wife to get 5 lakhs from her house. This is completely baseless. How judge will take this.

6) Similarly other allegations such as impotent, attempt to murder

7) Is there any possible to get the document/records during the hearings of the witness.

We don’t have knowledge how court will proceed, how judge will react and how judge will take the points from the allegations. Kindly being an eye opener for us.


Narayana Kumar