Reply To: Harrasment by Wife & Her family member

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Sorry sir, I got confused. She is not threatning for divorce. she is threatning for Dowery case. me & my family doesnot want the girl back in our family. she is staying at her parents’ home from last 20 days. She has tortured us a lot. she had illtreated my parents. she is ready to come back only on the condition that I leave my parents, but now i cant live wid her. now her parents r threatning to us that either we take the girl back or they will file dowery case against me & my family. or they have given us an aoption for out-of-the court settlement and they have asked for Rs 30 Lakhs from us, and then the girl will not come to our home. sir we r helpless and frustated. plz advice. Now I wana divorce and wana get rid of her.