Reply To: regarding my engagement, which I don’t wish to continue

Welcome Forums Law General Questions regarding my engagement, which I don’t wish to continue Reply To: regarding my engagement, which I don’t wish to continue


sir, I am looking for answer to following questions

• Please confirm whether backing off from an engagement is an criminal act/offense or what?

• Please confirm whether backing off from an engagement after accepting money (which is false) is an criminal act or not?

• Can I marry my friend who is been accused for breaking my engagement by maintaining an affair with me. Do consider my statement in which I said we are just friends and my friend has also given the same statement.In the FIR lodged by them which they have registered against my friend’s name as well.

• In case there is no bar for marriage then what should be my answer to prosecution question about affair with my friend? It will become relatively easy for them to prove in the court that there was already an affair and hence I broke the engagement; if my answer is not suitable.

• How long case will take considering that charge sheet will be submitted by 20 th march?

• What if we loose the case?

• Can we marry before the case ends, say within 6- 7 months?

• Will loosing the case (in case) affect my job?

shall i file petion to quash fir