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u ve correctly stated the reality of 498A cases. If one is influential then he can avoid arrest for some time but in most of the cases arrest is made and that too on Fridays so that onehas to stay in custody for more than 2 days. My wife doesn’t stay with me, demanded 40Lakhs for separation, when i refused she filed several cases on me. She has sent me sms that if I dont agree to pay her demanded money my old mother will be sent to jail and I will lose my job, as I work in Govt. sector. Went to Thana with sms to file Information petition. Thana I/c refused as according to him” They cannot take complaint against ladies (wife)”.

This is reality of our life. Lady does not want to live to husbands but demands huge amount in alimony, refusal leads to 498A. I am ready to pay reasonable amount but Rs.40Lakh is beyond my capabilities.