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Dear Rekhji.

Let me tell you from the marriage of their whatever she wanted she got by hook or by crook.She wanted to be separate with my brother she got.She didnot want to come down to our house its ok.She didnot allow initially our child(My bother’s baby)to visit her own house we accepted.Moreover she is not happy with my brother also.Do you know why??because whatevr she want you must give,if you dont you will get punished.Moreover can you believe that she filed 3 times case agaisnt my brother in local police station.What this means??Even once she hurted my mother in front of her mother and my parents had to leave that place.That situation happened when my parents went to my brother rented house where he is working,Actually they didnot want to go there but my brother forced them due to illness of my sister in law.At that she had an minor operation,appendix.Even whatever she steal that not from our own house that from either shop etc.Even recently she made false sign & withdrawn 20000.Now we are tried enough & we suffered a lot.She only loves her self.from last 15 days without saying anytbing to my brother she went to her own house & without caring that her child can face problem as she recently admitted to school.So wht will you say??