Reply To: Harrasment by Husabnd and In laws

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u wrote:

“We tried to sort all the things directly by going there and understanding the real issue but all in vain as my mother in law said all my policies should be in my husband’s name and my father should write on a blank paper if any thing goes wrong with the girl they are only responsible the same but not in laws family.”

whom you will nominate for ur policies is your personal decision and you can always consult your husband as he is your life partner. but your MIL cannot put pressure/demand and ask you or your father to sign on blank paper. this type of behaviour shows that they are not accepting you as their own family member and there is a strained relationship and shows cruelity (mental torture) towards you.

if you have left your matrimonial house unable to bear their harrassment or indifference attitude of your husband then your stand is justified.

your parents, relatives and neighbours are your witness. send them a letter through your lawyer to return your belonging. see if they will return. also approach NGO attached to police station to see if the matters can be resolved without filing cases. do not file DV 498a unless you are sure you have all the evidence to fight. Do not ask for divorce at the moment. if you are eligible for maintenance as per law you fight for it.