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Dear gulati.k19,

I find your story similar to Rekha_s. Do you have solid proof of his affair with his Bhabhi?..

you cannot stop his action as long as she is in the house living within joint family. even if you do not have if you have been illtreated by inlaws your stand to leave your husband’s house is justified. do not regret for it. Your husband has married you and you & child is his primary responsibility.if he is abstaining from having physical relation with you and neglecting you over a period of time.this too amounts to cruelity.

having physical relationship and child is part and parcel of marriage. and expressing your displeasure towards his extra marital with bhabhi is geniune you being his lawfully wedded wife. he is not faithful to you and why should you suffer for his act ? do you not have right to have a companion? if he was having affair than why did he wilfully married you? and have a child? why not questions to your husband????why should his acts not condemned??? the person who is showing u fault . is he absolutely clean person?? .. without a single fault??

although woman is educated and capable of working she may not be able to earn like her husband because she might not be working after marriage and will be underemployed. if there is a vast difference in income you are still eligible for maintenance. there are judgement in support to it. as the child is minor you will have her custody and he has to pay you child support which will give you some relief.

Get the whereabouts through your common relatives & friends and his present job details. and send the orders to him thru registered post or thru baliff to his address.

do not get demorilised by the posts here which will discourage you. be strong.. you have to fight for justice. it is very unfortunate for your child. do what is best for her.

why should Indian woman not fight for maintenance if her husband wilfully does not perform his duties as a husband and father and also neglects/illtreats her to such an extent that she is forced to leave her matrimonial house.

if you are physically raising the child it is his duty to maintain and secure his child’s future. (here he has not even shown any interest for even visiting his child)