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aise pati ke hone se na hona behtar hai… but the fact is he is there to give you more problems.

you are educated and good that you are not wasting your time and using it for further studies. you seem to be very young and its very unfortunate that you will not be able to stop your husband. once he has child from his bhabhi he will not think of his own child. as it is he is not bothered to see the child. try to find a better advocate and get in touch with NGO who can help you. if your husband & inlaws are acting very smart why should you not use the law which is for protection for such distressed woman. you are doing right as long as you are honest and not misusing law but see to it that you have enough proof. You have to fight for your maintenance/child support RIGHTS as you are not working and child is very small and dependent on you. Do what Adv. Kachave has advised. your child is your emotional strength. you are not alone she is with you remember.