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u r telling a hopothetical option.

if that is true then why did my wife put me under false allegations.

now she is telling in her society that she left me becoz i have a second wife. when she came to know about this i along with my so called second wife tortured her and was rescued by passerby with help of police.

now tell me does your rule applies to this case

actually what u said may be true in few cases but not in all cases.

my dad used to love her more than my sister.never objected in my 4 months married life to anything she do or say,instead he used to tell me to adjust with her as she has come to our family leaving her own.thats what is culture in my family.still she roped my parents in all cases.

bcoz she wants money and may be want to get married to someone else.i donot know why and we shared happy moments just 10 days before she fled.

we could never thought till date that she can do this to our family.