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ur daughter is his daughter too. it is fact. now ur husband has not shown any responsibility to take care of the child who is dependent on you for care. he has cheated you(committed adultary in marriage)and mistreated/neglected you and the child. why he should not be to be punished?. suppose you had filed cases he would have to spend money to defend and take anticipartory bail. what is stopping you?? IS HE THINKING ABOUT THE CHILD???

whatever he is earning he will have to give certain portion of his income for the child care which he is not paying (comitting one more crime). you can claim maintenance for yourself on reasonable (taking care of minor) grounds you are not taking up job even though you are qualified to take care of the child. You can take help of good advocate for this. Child should be taken care by mother atleast. poor child atleast let the mother be by her side if not father.

But if you have a good support from your parents to take care of the child in your absence look out for a part time job. you may not be lucky to get job equavalent to your qualification. somewhere you have to start & Keep yourself busy atleast you will be out of depression.