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then why do women seek for well-settled men for marriage? Why are so many men unable to marry simply because their earnings are less? Why are taxes for women less for the same amount of income? Why is interest on loans less for women while interests for women on deposits more simply because the estrogen runs in their blood? Why do women seek rich men for marriage? Its time to alter this and make the feminists accountable for the change.

this policies are for upliftment of woman and there will be time when this will be abolished. can you not see the changes in society for sati system to present modern women.

it is easy to say estrogen runs in blood of a woman and testostrone in man’s blood. what is the effect of estrogen in the body? life is created in woman’s body. can you change this? who bears the pains of child birth man or woman?. what ever be child is the product of man and women . marriage comes with duties and responsbility.what should the wife/husband do if their spouses have not cared about the responsbility??