Reply To: False 498A complaints in Women Cell

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I had mentioned following things in my SAY-

25. The Respondent says that when the Respondent realized that the Petitioner is intending to break the marital tie the Respondent therefore in Order to preserve the marriage and also considering the future Life of the Daughter filed petition for Restitution of Conjugal Rights in the Family Court Pune. The Petitioner appeared in the said matter and has filed application for maintenance In pune Court also. This goes to show that the petitioner instead of cohabiting with respondent is approaching the court and Police Station with Malafied intentions.

26. The Respondent says that because of the acts of the Petitioner the respondent was mentally disturbed. The Respondent was unable to perform to on his job, the company of the respondent therefore terminated the respondent form the services. The Respondent thereafter started a small business in partnership recently however instead of getting profits from the same suffered great loss in business. The Respondent therefore decided to quit the Partnership. The respondent has informed the partners accordingly by way of legal notice. The Respondent as on today is JOBLESS and the financial position of the Respondent is very BAD. The respondent himself is totally dependent upon his parents for all purpose. The Respondent himself does not posses sufficient means for maintaining the respondent himself…….At this juncture the financial & mental condition of the Respondent is very week. The Respondent due to the family dispute has suffered great mental stress and has suffered heart disease and at present the Respondent is taking treatment from the heart specialist.

27.The Respondent says that as on today the Respondent is ready to live together with the Petitioner but the Petitioner No-1 is making exorbitant and illogical demands which the Respondent cannot fullfill at this relevant time. The Respondent never neglected or refused to maintain the Petitioner. Therefore the application of the Petitioner cannot be entertained in the present form.

28. The Respondent says the Respondent is under great pressure and in distress as the Respondent is genuinely willing to live together with the Petitioners, but the petitioner No.1 is bent upon to spoil the life ofthe Respondent and his Daughter by breaking the marital relationship. In these circumstances the application filed by the Petitioner herself has abandoned the Respondent from her life and has started residing separately

without any valid reason.

29. The Respondent therefore prays that

A) The petition filed by the Petitioner may kindly be dismissed.

Such other and further Orders be passed by Hon’ble Court as deemed fit and proper.