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with reference to the case of CrPC 125 in Akola another biasness of Judge was marked.

Now on this date I informed the Court that my wife didnt came with me to Pune. but the story was well informed to the Court by the opposite site that I didnt took her. The Judge, on their story started scolding me…stating that I have been informed about what you did to not to take her back.

When I told the truth Judge said that today to again book the tickets I’ll send courts person along with both of you, are you ready to take her back???? My reply was affirmative. Judge asked us to have Lucnh in Court permises and will show the bus tickets.

When we got down stairs of Court permises her Lawyer was poisioning my wife that file the POlice complaints even he say anything to you and all that bla bla bla…

I went back and informed the Judge about the same, again Judge was of the view that I’m playing all this tricks..then she asked me about the Lunch……and with that starte shouting that I didnt obey the Judge orders of getting Lunch…and the intentions of not taking my wife back.

Immediately Judge asked the opposite lawyer to file interim maintenance application, to which I was been asked to file reply immediately. Judge was forcing me to give in writing that I dont want to take her back and I’m withdrawing the constrait. I gave in wirting the same thing which took place and also stated that today i’m not in proper mindset to take her back… which Judge wroted her remarks of two pages. I dont know what she wrote.

I requested for next date which was given as 31st dec 2011. I’m being harrashed by the Judge….by giving close dates, not allowing me to file my say, passed the No Say order, to which i applied for setting aside the no say order, but still the say was accepted.

What should I do now???? I want to transfer the case from that place to Pune. Ground are Medical has I’m heart patient, Court, inspite of submitting the medical reports is assigning close dates which are 4-8 days close. As the case is more that 500Kms away from my town no relief is given, also Judge is forcing/ compelling me to take her back.