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This is to inform you that in CrPC 125 the Judge got transferred and the new Judge took charge on 10th June 2012. The opposite party filed application for Defense Struck for the arrears of Rs. 23000/-, on last date i.e. 4th July I inform the Judge about my inability to pay the entire amount and I deposited Rs. 3000/- with the Court. later the Judge asked opposite party lawyer to file Affidavit for claims…….and also after filing the same she had arguments done from both lawyers….now she has kept back for Order on 6th June…

Will be the defense stuck even after depositing Rs. 3000/-???? In court.????

The Petitioner rejected same infornt of Court to accept the amount.

Pls do reply as to what could be the order…and how to deal with the same if it is against me…i.e. if my defense is stuck….also this is to inform you that I have filed the Evidence Affidavit on 4th July……