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yes u are really married to a wealth manager who knows very well how to live a connoisseur life by managing husband wealth. Sir; but this may not be ground for divorce! all u r proofs of her promiscuity/fling is useless or saying these things b4 court making u r self a liar who’s intention to damage the modesty of women or disrespect to the great INDIAN DEVI. perhaps u would be able to prove her adultery ( MIND IT- IT IS ONLY BY DNA TEST- which nor ur case). u can get rid of the nagging headache on ground of desertion/ cruelty– Wife prime duty is to come under the umbrella of matrimony to bear the pain/ pleasure of life. if u r ready to prove her desertion in continence of more than six month by filling RCR. Till 1 year u have to face the heat but use this period with delicacy/ diplomatic way otherwise there is fuel to the fire under court-police-layer network