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As per the IO, he is going to submit the chargesheet by coming week.

After chargesheet, will it be a good idea to go for discharge, if there is no mention of dowry related harassment ?

My wife left my matrimonial house in US on 10/10/2010. On the same say, her father filed a GD with the local PS in India, but no FIR. Even the GD, I am sure, has no mention of dowry harassment. She never filed any complaint in US,before coming to India. Neither did she file any FIR for the next 1.5 yrs. The FIR for 498A/406 was eventually filed just 2 days after I replied her maintenance petition. It was an after-thought.

For filing a discharge post filing chargesheet – Can we file for discharge only based on legal points or can I support it with evidence ?