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Good Afternoon,

I have read your reply Thank you. I would like to know that I do not have any written evidence where she said that I would not keep any contact from my parents, brother & sister. There is chat conversation where she had me that I m staying away from my parents with my happiness. I had said ‘ Yes’ . That time I told because of unborned child who is my extension. And my wife is capable of hurting herself & the child in anger. Before marriage. my wife had told me verbally that long back, she had tried to kill herself. Can they use that conversation against me.

If I do not want to travel to delhi & take back RCR and then file for divorce. is it possible or not .

I would like to know that I was given wrong information about my wife’s education . How can I use this point against them.

Can I file divorce on the basis of the too much interference of her parents & brothers.

Can I file Divorce on the basis that my wife has deserted me ( I do not know what proofs to give).

What can I do if my wife or wife’s parents demands for the money which they had spent in the marriage .

Looking for the reply . ASAP .

Thank you.