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Dear Gagan

I’m trying to reply to your post at

>>>>>She is coming to court. She has not given any reply in written. Only in verbal she is telling that she wants to come back to me. <<<<<<<<<<

IF you are fighting the RCR yourself request the judge for written replies … from your 498a wife

She has to file written reply to your Original petition …request the judge (very politely) that she (wife) has to reply in writing

However RCR is a little bit of a tricky strategy IF you are really NOT READY TO live with the wife !!!!

where can RCR be helpful ??

1. IF wife says she will come back use that in 498a !!! Tell the police and everyone that you are innocent …otherwise how will she come back to a dowry seeker …murderer ??

2. IF wife delays the reply in the RCR case request the judge to decree noting that other party has NOT replied within time granted

3. whenever 498a inquiry , investigation is taking place keep telling that you are NOT the deserting spouse …. you are willing to live with her and she is deserting you as you have file RCR and your wife is dragging the case