Reply To: 498A, 3/4 Dowry Act.

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At last I got AB bail from high court, high court judge grant her interim maintenance of 6K per month for my child and her, she has already filled maintenance case and DV, now in DV mediation is going on in lower court, judge is asking to take her back otherwise he will pass 25K maintenance per month? The few question is in my mind.. please help

1) Sometimes I am thinking to take her back for my child (4 years) as she wanted to come back. is it good idea?

2) How can I fight the DV case if judge will pass 25K per month, is it mandatory to pay that much amount to her?

3) I have spent a lot to fight this case and my sister husband got jail for 7 days can I ask court for my damages?

4) My lawyers are suggesting that filled Divorce case if you do not want to take her back, is this god idea to file Divorce case now?

Amy other suggestions are most welcome..

please help
