Reply To: Please suggest how to deal with depression?

Welcome Forums Medical Advice Please suggest how to deal with depression? Reply To: Please suggest how to deal with depression?


Depression is the state of mind where mind tends to think negatively about unwanted and unexpected situations. To deal with such situations one must,

1. Start building a disciplined lifestyle.

2. Follow a time table religiously

3. Develop healthy habits

4. Say complete no to unhealthy habits, foods, drinks, etc.

5. Set goals and strive to achieve them, in this way you tend to change your focus and while in the process ‘gain confidence/self-confidence.

6. Start your day with a rigorous exercise early in the morning – before sunrise.

7. Meditate regularly.

8. Learn new things.

9. Develop and cultivate new hobbies.

10. Have good friends to discuss your thoughts and have different ideas.

For various situations follow’

1) Spouse deserting the husband:

—Good that she had gone and you have a better environment to live in.

2) Child taken away:

—Your child is yours, he’s having the same DNA as you so need not worry about, just make sure you get at least visitation rights so that as he grows he knows and will make out the difference between, good and bad between his father and mother. For it,

– Keep sending him gifts, etc. on occasions etc.

– Keep enquiring about his progress

– Keep saving money for his future

– Take care of his needs

By this he will have a good image of you and you will have satisfaction of being a responsible father.

3) False cases: Seek help from to fight against such so called legal terrorism.

4) Arrest: Seek help from to fight against such so called legal terrorism.

5) Impending fear of ruining of career: Do your work religiously avoiding causing any delay. In professional life work matters and not what’s going on in your personal life (unless it affects your work).

6) Police calling and using abusive words: Seek help from to fight against such so called legal terrorism.

7) Threats by wife: Unless you have control over your mind, it will affect you. There is a proverb ‘Barking dogs seldom bite.’ In case of counter Seek help from

8) Other reasons as…?: Remember that you cannot control anybody rather its only you who can control yourself, so learn self-control. If required Seek help from