Reply To: My wife In-laws black mailing me that they will place a 498a case on me & my mum

Welcome Forums Advice 498A My wife In-laws black mailing me that they will place a 498a case on me & my mum Reply To: My wife In-laws black mailing me that they will place a 498a case on me & my mum


Hii, I really thank all the above,




I am being very calm and quite in my home with my wife, and from 1 weekk she is asking me that why iam being very calm not talking any thing, i asked her that in a very polite way that i belived her and i have placed my money , so right now i got an civil contracts works to do where can i go for that reason i am asking money. she kept quite she did’nt answer any thing. and i requested her that i am not felling comfortable or active in this environment i asked her that we will vacate this place and stay away from this place , she did’nt aggred for that and said that she wont leave that place. always she tries to pull my legs. i am not allowing to discuss any nonsence issues. and she is giving me an dead line until sep6th that if i was being dull and calm not being active with her she wants to take some decission, and she only saying that ur age is 26 and my age is 24 there is no much age so that we can breake up our relation in afriendly way.

(As i posted in my previous post, i recorded entire issue discussion in voice recorder for 2hrs, and in that discussion i have asked in front of their parents and realtives i asked her father that have i taken any dowry they said no, her father in his words said that i have invested rs17lakhs fr house. Is this evidence can make any prof in this case.)

I really thank u fr suggesting me..

I will be updating u.

pls provide me info for further moves thank u so much..