DV summons in 2023 and money demand

Welcome Forums Advice Domestic Violence DV summons in 2023 and money demand

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      I was married in 1998 and separated in 2001, completely and physically away from her. I filed a divorce petition in 2003 after being sent to police lockup under DV. Somehow came out and filed for divorce, which was denied, and I was asked to pay 80% of my earnings. I appealed in the high court, but I was treated like a criminal in that court. I didn’t have any other option but to leave the city with only my certificates and moved to a foreign country after staying a few years, I obtained citizenship, filed a divorce case in the foreign country, and got my divorce (everything was done following Indian and the foreign country laws). I was married in India, to emphasize but got divorced from another country as a citizen of that country. It is a unique situation.
      Now after 20 years, my ex-wife filed a DV case and at the same time filed a case for the money.
      I am not sure how these cases (DV and money) work. As a foreigner, how do I deal with false DV case in India? I do not know much about if the cases will affect me when I travel as a foreigner.

      Anybody has any experience in such matters, married in India to an Indian woman but divorced in some other country as a foreigner (everything according to law)
      and how things worked when traveling back and forth.
      What other legal options do I have in India to fight false DV? I appreciate any help.

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