Wife deserted for 4 years with a boy child 4 years.

Welcome Forums Miscellaneous General Wife deserted for 4 years with a boy child 4 years.

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      Married in 2017. She went with just simple issues when her family got involved too much. She hasn’t pressed any charges yet. I sent her first notice from lawyer to ask her come back 15 days ago. She refused to accept the notice. She livesin the same city as I. She has clearly said that she will never come back nor give me divorce. I too am tired and just want this to end quickly as possible. I feel chained and suffocated in this state. I need a divorce. Mutual She has refused. But there isn’t anything I have done. No violence no dowry nothing. Just ego clashes and now it’s way over head. How to carefully go about the case so that this ends soon. Should I directly go for divorce file on desertion and mental cruelty or file section RCR first? Honestly after all the stupid and pathetic childish accusations She has put, it’s hard to think of life with her. What is the best way to just get rid of this as early as possible. I have her whatsapp texts where she has said she wont give divorce neither will come back. I recorded videos of meetings i had with her and parents in order to make peace with her. Please guide. 🙏🏽

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