3 kilo dates
1 or 1 ½ kilo sugar
2 Tea spoon yeast
Handful of rice (boiled)
handful of wheat seeds
Take half glass of boiling water, add yeast, stair it well, close & keep it aside for 15 minutes.
Soak the dates for 7-8 hrs, and then separate the seeds. Grind the dates into paste, add water while grinding, pour it into a small plastic bucket, and add 2-3 bottles of filtered water.
Add sugar, mix well then put the rice, wheat and last add the yeast. Stir it well and keep it closed. Once in 2 days stir it well for 2 weeks and keep it air-tight for 22 days. If it is summer it will be ready within 22 days, during winter it takes nearly 2-3 months. It gives light gold colour. Longer you keep you will get lovely colour and it becomes excellent.