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Whether the court should set aside conviction if there is a compromise between convict and victim after conviction in a non-compoundable offence?

Bombay High Court Kiran Tulshiram Ingale vs Anupama P. Gaikwad And Ors. on 25 July, 2006 Equivalent citations: 2006 CriLJ 4591 Bench: D Deshpande, S Bobde JUDGMENT D.G. Deshpande, J. 1. Heard advocates for the petitioner and Respondent No. 1. Petitioner is the husband and…

Sections 324/34 IPC quash with Section 482 Cr.P.C

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL.M.C. 5154/2015 & Crl.M.A. No. 18560/2015 Date of Decision : April 1st , 2016 SANJAY BHARDWAJ … Petitioner Through: Mr.Arjun Singh Bhati, Adv. versus STATE & ORS. … Respondent Through: Mr.Kamal Kumar Ghei, APP. Mr.Vishal Sharma,…

S.482-Apex Court can quash non-compoundable offences

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL.M.C. 4159/2015 & Crl.M.A. 14917/2015 Date of Decision : January 22nd, 2016 SMT POOJA SAXENA ….. Petitioner Through: Mr. Rajan Chaudhary, Advocate versus STATE OF NCT OF DELHI & ANR ….. Respondent Through: Mr. Arun Kumar…

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