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Trend to lodge false FIRs: ₹1 lakh costs on woman who withdrew complaint of Outraging modesty

IN THE HIGH COURT OF PUNJAB AND HARYANA AT CHANDIGARH CRM-M-16236-2022 Date of Decision:-February 21, 2023 Varun Bagga ……Petitioner Versus State of Punjab and another ……Respondents CORAM: HON’BLE MR. JUSTICE ALOK JAIN **** Present: Mr. V.P.S. Mattewal, Advocate for the petitioner. Mr. Arun Gupta, AAG,…

In case of improper or unfair investigation, Magistrate can interfere

HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD In Chamber Case :- APPLICATION U/S 482 No. – 22243 of 2016 Applicant :- Dr. Kuldeep Kaushik Opposite Party :- State Of U.P. And Another Counsel for Applicant :- Sunil Kumar Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.,Vinod Singh Hon’ble…

Sections 406/498A IPC – Territorial Jurisdiction, Quashing of FIR

DELHI HIGH COURT Bench: JUSTICE D.K. Jain RAJINDER SINGH Vs. STATE ANR. On 13 Oct 1998 JUDGEMENT 1. The petitioner-husband has filed this petition underneath Section 482 of a Code of Criminal Procedure(hereinafter referred to as a Code) for quashing of FIR No.34/93, antiquated 23…

Quashing of FIR under Article 226

Delhi High Court Sunil Aggarwal vs Commissioner Of Police And Ors. on 25 January, 2002 Equivalent citations: 2002 IIIAD Delhi 346, 2002 CriLJ 1690, 96 (2002) DLT 293, I (2002) DMC 415, 2002 (62) DRJ 52 Bench: B Khan, V Aggarwal JUDGMENT Khan, J. 1….

498A Quash – Party back out from mutual settlement abuse of process of law

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI W.P.(CRL) 1450/2014 and Crl. M.A. No. 15097/2014 Decided on 3rd February, 2015 SEEMANT SINHA & ORS ….. Petitioners Through :Mr. Manoj Sharma and Mr. Praveen K. Maheshwari, Advs. with petitioners in person. versus STATE & ANR ……..

Suicide threats amounts to mental cruelty?

 IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI Dated: September 06, 2016 MAT.APP.(F.C.) 15/2015 GEETA PANDEY vs SHEKHAR PANDEY CORAM: MR. JUSTICE PRADEEP NANDRAJOG MS. JUSTICE PRATIBHA RANI Citation:AIR 2017 Delhi 70 1. Both the parties to HMA Petition No.618/2014 (Old No.595/2005) take exception…

S.482-Apex Court can quash non-compoundable offences

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL.M.C. 4159/2015 & Crl.M.A. 14917/2015 Date of Decision : January 22nd, 2016 SMT POOJA SAXENA ….. Petitioner Through: Mr. Rajan Chaudhary, Advocate versus STATE OF NCT OF DELHI & ANR ….. Respondent Through: Mr. Arun Kumar…

Quashing of 498A FIR

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI CRL.M.C. 3300/2014 SANDDEP @ SANDEEP KUMAR @ SANDEEP ROHILLA & ORS ….. Petitioners Through: Mr. Charanjeet & Mr. Pavitra Veer Chikar, Advocates versus POOJA & ORS ….. Respondents Through: Mr. Ranvir Singh, Adv. for R-1 Ms….

SC explain when to quash criminal proceedings

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.686/2014 (arising out of S.L.P.(Criminal) No.9547 of 2013) Narinder Singh & Ors.¦Appellants Vs. State of Punjab & Anr.¦Respondents J U D G M E N T A.K.SIKRI,J. 1. The present Special Leave Petition has…

498A, FIR Quash – Not stayed with petitioners

Delhi High Court Kanchan Gulati And Anr. vs The State And Ors. on 12 September, 2007 Bench: S N Dhingra JUDGMENT Shiv Narayan Dhingra, J. 1. This writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India read with Section 482 Cr.P.C. has been made…

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