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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Section 125(3), Limitation, Arrears of maintenance for one year only ?

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.: Appeal (crl.) 673 of 2005 PETITIONER:Shantha @ Ushadevi & Anr. RESPONDENT:B.G.Shivananjappa DATE OF JUDGMENT: 06/05/2005 BENCH:P. VENKATARAMA REDDI & A.K. MATHUR JUDGMENT:J U D G M E N T (Arising out of S.L.P.(Crl.)No.5723 of 2004) A.K. MATHUR, J. Leave…

FIR Registration and Magistrate Power u/s 156(3) CrPc

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.:Appeal (crl.) 1685 of 2007 PETITIONER:Sakiri Vasu RESPONDENT:State of U.P. and others DATE OF JUDGMENT: 07/12/2007 BENCH:A.K. Mathur & Markandey Katju JUDGMENT: J U D G M E N T CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1685 OF 2007 (Arising out of Special…

498A quash,s482,In-laws, and Territorial jurisdiction

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.:Appeal (crl.) 372 of 2005 PETITIONER:Ramesh and Ors. RESPONDENT:State of Tamil Nadu DATE OF JUDGMENT: 03/03/2005 BENCH:P. Venkatarama Reddi & A.K. Mathur JUDGMENT:JUDGMENT ORDER Leave granted. The two appeals filed by five accused (three in one case and two in…

Power of 482 and Section 498-A , 406 IPC.

A.K. MATHUR & TARUN CHATTERJEE CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1242 OF 2007 [Arising out of SLP [Crl] No. 6334 of 2004] TARUN CHATTERJEE, J. PRATIBHA V. RAMESHWARI DEVI & ORS [2007] RD-SC 938 (17 September 2007) 1. Leave granted. 2. This appeal by special leave is…

Mainatenance – Working Women

Supreme Court of India CASE NO.:Appeal (civil) 5779 of 2006 PETITIONER:Sujata Uday Patil RESPONDENT:Uday Madhukar Patil DATE OF JUDGMENT: 13/12/2006 BENCH:G.P. Mathur & A.K. Mathur JUDGMENT:J U D G M E N T (arising out of SLP (C) Nos. 18502-18503 of 2004) G.P. Mathur, J….

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