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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Section 167 (2)(a) of CrPC – Custody of the police OR House Arrest?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL APPEAL STAMP NO. 1707 OF 2020 Gautam P. Navlakha Aged about 69 years, Currently UTP 196 Taloja Central Jail Otherwise R/o Flat No.2 R-3 Nehru Enclave,New Delhi 110019 ….Appellant Vs. National Investigation Agency…

125 arrears, illegal detention and compensation

BEFORE THE MADURAI BENCH OF MADRAS HIGH COURT DATED: 19/11/2010 CORAM : THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE S.NAGAMUTHU W.P.(MD).No.11372 of 2005 and W.P.M.P.No.12096 of 2005 S.T.Prabhakar … Petitioner Vs 1.The Secretary to Government, Home Department, Fort.ST.George, Chennai 600 009. 2.The Sub-Inspector of Police, Kodaikanal Police Station, Kodaikanal,…

Whether writ of Habeas Corpus will be maintainable against Judicial order or Child Welfare Committee’s order under J.J. Act?

In the High Court of Allahabad (Before Sanjay Yadav, Mahesh Chandra Tripathi and Siddhartha Varma, JJ.) Rachna and Another Vs State of U.P. Habeas Corpus Writ Petition No. 362 of 2020 Decided on March 8, 2021, Mahesh Chandra Tripathi, J.:— Heard Sri. Saghir Ahmad, learned Senior Advocate/Amicus…

Whether absconding accused arrested later is to be released on default Bail if police file Supplementary chargesheet on 91st day?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY (NAGPUR BENCH) Criminal Writ Petition No. 475 of 2016 Decided On: 23.08.2016 Pankaj Sundarlal Yadav Vs. The State of Maharashtra and Ors. Hon’ble Judges/Coram: S.B. Shukre, J. 1. Heard. Rule. Rule made returnable forthwith. 2. Heard finally with consent…

Compensation for Wrongful imprisonment, Malicious prosecution, Humiliation and the Defamation

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATED: 21 /1/2020 CORAM THE HON’BLE MR.A.P.SAHI, CHIEF JUSTICE AND THE HON’BLE MR.JUSTICE SUBRAMONIUM PRASAD Writ Appeal No.3806 of 2019 and C.M.P.No.24031 of 2019 1. The State of Tamil Nadu rep. by its Secretary to Government Department…

Issue Of Paternity Cannot Be Examined In Habeas Corpus Petition

IN THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI AT NEW DELHI W.P.(CRL) 1341/2019 MOHD. ARMAN & ANR ….. Petitioners Through: Mr. B. Badrinath, Advocate versus STATE OF NCT OF DELHI & ORS ….. Respondents Through: Mr. Rahul Mehra, Standing Counsel (Crl.) with Mr. Chaitanya Gosain, Advocate for…

Police Officers to pay compensation to Doctors for their ‘illegal detention’ in a bailable Crime.

Police Officers to pay compensation to Doctors for their ‘illegal detention’ in a bailable Crime.

Handcuffing and parading violate the Fundamental rights

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CRIMINAL APPELLATE SIDE JURISDICTION CORAM : A.S. OKA & A.A. SAYED, JJ 22ND DECEMBER 2016 CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION NO.1545 OF 2016 Mr. Satish Banwarilal Sharma. .. Petitioner Vs Union Territory of Diu, Daman and Dadra & Nagar…

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