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Landmark Judgments and Articles on Law

Whether principles of natural justice violated if an enquiry report is not given to a delinquent employee?

IN THE HIGH COURT OF KERALA AT ERNAKULAM OP (KAT) No. 130 of 2022 JAYACHANDRAN V Vs STATE OF KERALA PRESENT :  MR. JUSTICE A.K.JAYASANKARAN NAMBIAR,MR.JUSTICE MOHAMMED NIAS C.P. Author: Mohammed Nias.C.P., J. Dated: 16th day of June, 2022 The petitioner is the applicant in…

498A FIR quash with article 226

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY CRIMINAL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION NO.2458 OF 2021 1 Tejas Pratap Deshmane Aged : 33 years Occupation : Service 2 Pratap D. Deshmane Aged : 71 years Occupation : Retired 3 Smita Pratap Deshmane Aged about…

Jurisdiction and Domestic violence Quash

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS DATED : 16.06.2021 CORAM: THE HONOURABLE MRS. JUSTICE V.BHAVANI SUBBAROYAN Crl.O.P.No.1516 of 2016 and Crl.M.P.No.700 of 2016 1. K.Balachander 2. K.Pappu Lakshmi …Petitioners Vs. S.Kavitha … Respondent PRAYER: Criminal Original Petition filed under Section 482 Cr.P.C., to call…

Taking Cognizance & Imposing Penalty on same Day u/s 31 of Domestic Violence Act is Unknown to Law

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JHARKHAND AT RANCHI W.P.(Cr). 163 of 2018 Surendra Kumar, aged about 60 years, son of Parmanand Sharma, resident of Ladhenam Ka Gola Ganj No. 2, P.O. and P.S. Betia, District West Champaran (Bihar). …… Petitioner Versus 1.The State of Jharkhand…

Law should not be seen to sit by limply and the Court cannot be a lame duck and wait when bolt is impending and the situation is grave.

IN THE HIGH COURT AT CALCUTTA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION APPELLATE SIDE Soumen Sen, Saugata Bhattacharyya; JJ. 13 August, 2021 The State of West Bengal Ors. Vs. Fulkumari Paswan Ors. AST 37 of 2019 With I.A. No. CAN 1 of 2019 (Old No. CAN 9442 of…

Habeas Corpus to US origin Child – Custody to Father

THE HON’BLE SRI JUSTICE A.RAJASHEKER REDDY AND THE HON’BLE JUSTICE G. SRI DEVI W.P.NO.13658 OF 2021 ORDER :: (per the Hon’ble Sri Justice A. Rajasheker Reddy) This habeas corpus-writ petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India is filed seeking to issue a writ…

CHILD CUSTODY : Karnataka HC Guidelines – Non-Custodial Parent get equal days with children

ORDER This petition is directed against the impugned order dated 01.03.2021 pased on I.A.No.6 in G & WC No.5/2018 on the file of the Prl. Judge, Family Court, Hubbali, whereby the said application filed by the respondent was partly allowed by the Family Court. 2….

Advocate should verify facts before any submission else he can held responsible and charged

Gujarat High Court Ajit D. Padiwal vs State Of Gujarat And 2 on 15 September, 2004 Equivalent citations: (2005) 1 GLR 743 Author: D Trivedi Bench: D Trivedi, K Mehta JUDGMENT D.K. Trivedi, J. 1. Petition, which was filed in the year 1994, by practicing…

125 arrears, illegal detention and compensation

BEFORE THE MADURAI BENCH OF MADRAS HIGH COURT DATED: 19/11/2010 CORAM : THE HONOURABLE MR.JUSTICE S.NAGAMUTHU W.P.(MD).No.11372 of 2005 and W.P.M.P.No.12096 of 2005 S.T.Prabhakar … Petitioner Vs 1.The Secretary to Government, Home Department, Fort.ST.George, Chennai 600 009. 2.The Sub-Inspector of Police, Kodaikanal Police Station, Kodaikanal,…

Not getting along with male colleague, differences will not come under POSH

IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS Reserved on Delivered on 05~08~2021 25~08~2021 CORAM The Hon’ble Mr. Justice N. SATHISH KUMAR Writ Petition Nos.10364 of 2016 & 1298 of 2021 and W.M.P.Nos.1439, 5177 and 5175 of 2021 W.P.No.10364 of 2016 Mary Rajasekaran .. Petitioner…

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