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Section 8 – South Asian University Act,2008

South Asian University Act,2008

Section 8. Powers of University

The University shall have the following powers, namely:-

(i) to provide for instruction in such branches of learning as the University may, from time to time, determine and to make provisions for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge;

(ii) to establish such special centres and specialised laboratories and such other units for research and instruction as are necessary for the furtherance of its objects;

(iii) to plan and prescribe courses of study for degrees, diplomas, certificates or for any other purpose;

(iv) to grant, subject to such conditions as the University may determine, diplomas or certificates and confer degrees or other academic distinctions on the basis of examinations, evaluation or any other method of testing and to withdraw any such diplomas, certificates, degrees or other academic distinctions for good and sufficient cause;

(v) to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions in the manner prescribed by the Statutes;

(vi) to organise and to undertake open learning programmes, extramural studies, training and extension services;

(vii) to institute Chairs, principal ships, professorships, readerships and lectureships and other teaching and academic positions, required by the University and to appoint persons to such Chairs, Principal ships, Professorships, Readerships and lectureships and other teaching and academic positions;

(viii) to appoint visiting professors, Emeritus professors, consultants, scholars and such other persons who may contribute to the advancement of the objects of the University;

(ix) to recognise persons as Professors, Readers or Lecturers or otherwise as teachers of the University;

(x) to create administrative and other posts as the University may deem necessary from time to time and to make appointments thereto;

(xi) to lay down conditions of service of all categories of employees, including their code of conduct;

(xii) to establish and maintain campuses, Centres, Regional Centres as may be determined from time to time;

(xiii) to admit to its privileges institutions situated within its jurisdiction as the University institutions and to withdraw all or any of those privileges in accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed by the Statutes;

(xiv) to co-operate or collaborate or associate with any other University or authority or institution of higher learning or any other public or private body, having in view the promotion of purposes and objects similar to those of the University, in such manner as may be prescribed and for such purposes as may be determined or agreed upon by the University;

(xv) to determine standards of admission, including examination, evaluation or any other method of testing, to the University, and the institutions maintained by or admitted to the privileges of the University;

(xvi) to demand and receive payment of fees and other charges as may be prescribed;

(xvii) to establish Halls and to recognise, guide, supervise and control Halls not maintained by the University and other accommodation for students, and to withdraw any such recognition;

(xviii) to make arrangements for promoting health and general welfare of students and employees of the University;

(xix) to regulate and enforce discipline among the students and the employees, and to take such disciplinary measures in this regard as may be deemed by the University to be necessary;

(xx) to institute and award Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentships and prizes;

(xxi) to receive benefactions, donations and gifts in accordance with the regulations made by the Governing Board as per norms of the SAARC and to acquire, hold, manage and dispose of any property, movab
le or immovable, including trust and endowment properties, for the purposes or objects of the University and to invest funds in such manner as it deems fit;

(xxii) to borrow, with the approval of the Governing Board, on the security of the University property, money for purposes of the University;

(xxiii) to recognise for any purpose, either in whole or in part, any institution or members or students thereof on such terms and conditions as may, from time to time, be prescribed and to withdraw such recognition;

(xxiv) to enter into any agreement for the incorporation of any other institution in the University and for taking its rights, properties and liabilities and for any other purpose not repugnant to this Act;

(xxv) to make provision for research and advisory services and for that purpose to enter into such arrangements with other institutions or bodies as it may deem necessary;

(xxvi) to provide for the printing, reproduction and publication of research and other work which may be issued by the University;

(xxvii) to exercise such other powers accorded to it under the Agreement; and

(xxviii) to do all such other acts as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the promotion of all or any of the objects of the University.

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South Asian University Act,2008

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