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Coronavirus: MyNation says Domestic violence cases on rise since lockdown, 96 complaints so far

Since the fight against the pandemic of Coronavirus and due to which a Nation wide lockdown was imposed, there also arised another massive havoc, a total of 769 complaints related to various offences against women by women were received, out of which 96 complaints are related to domestic violence,the data released by MyNation hope foundation showed.

MyNation Hope Foundation has received over 769 calls since the nation-wide lockdown was imposed in the interest of curtailing the spread of corona virus, out of which 96 complaints were cases of domestic violence on women by women,which it said has been increasing since then.
Since the lockdown was imposed, a total of 769 complaints related to various offences against women were received, out of which 96 complaints are related to domestic violence on women by women, the data released by MyNation Hope Foundation showed.

The President of leading men’s rights organisation said, the number of cases of domestic violence must be much more by atleast 10 times more than that which have been reported, because the women (Victim of Domestic Violence) are scared to complain about it, due to constant of presence of their abuser at home, with the abuser being either their sister-in-law or daughter-in-law.

He Said,from March 24th to April 1st, MyNation Hope Foundation has received 96 domestic violence complaints and the numbers are increasing by each passing day.

He further said that the victims, who are mothers and sisters of husbands of the abusers are worried about fake cases because they are aware that the National Commission for Women does not include them in their mandate, and that they are not considered to be women by the NCW. They know that if they retaliate, the abuser may ruin their entire future life with the blind support of NCW.

Women(Victims) are not approaching the police because they think that even if they complain, police will not book complaint against the abuser, as the abuser is none other than the wife of their brother or son, but instead, they will be subjected to fake cases in return, and their law abiding approach may go vain as the police may themselves judge them to be offenders against the women who are considered women by NCW (Wife of their brothers or sons). MyNation Hope Foundation is in touch with them

” he said.

The Secretary of MyNation Hope Foundation said

“everyone was at home due to the lockdown and women were not getting the courage to contact for help”. “

It is not a good situation for women, as the abusers are much confident due to the nation wide lockdown , due to which the Women (Victims) cannot go anywhere else, and also the abusers are well aware of the support built for them by NCW, giving them enough reasons to ruin the lives of the Victims” he said.

Reporters : Marshal Benjamin / Sarvepalli Parasar

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