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Females Will Never Lie about being Raped in Australia Either?

Same story from another part of the world:

A 17-year-old former Perth Catholic schoolboy is free after nearly a year in prison awaiting trial on rape charges of which he was acquitted after it emerged that his accuser had lied about her sex life.

Perth Now reports that Patrick Waring, then a 15-year-old Catholic college student, was dragged out of bed by police a year ago and refused bail on the say-so of his 17-year-old accuser.

However, just before the trial started, the girl admitted lying about her sex life the whole time, Perth Now says.

She had insisted she was a virgin.

DNA tests excluded Waring from her claims of rape.

Waring’s accuser finally admitted she had had sex with a man at the back of a cinema the same afternoon, two hours before claiming Waring raped her at Joondalup’s Central Park after following her from the railway station on 30 March last year.

She also admitted to having been in a sexual relationship with her boyfriend at the time.

The girl’s new story included being raped by two different men in two hours.

She said the cinema sex with a 20-year-old, who she had met on the internet, was rape, but she didn’t want him charged because it might affect her compensation claim.

The girl had previously lied to interviewing officers, the Sexual Assault Resource Centre doctor who examined her and to prosecutor Amanda Forrester.

Waring was originally denied bail when a police officer told the Children’s Court that Waring had phoned the girl and threatened her – a fact the police later admitted was wrong.

Patrick’s father, Terry Waring, said his family had been torn apart for a year. His and his wife’s belief in the justice system had been shattered.”Shoddy work, cruelty and seeming vindictiveness cost us our house, financial security and a lifetime of savings for a three-week trial,” he said.

“The emotional cost to the family has been incalculable. Personally, I have not cried as much since my brother was killed in Vietnam.””It’s the finish of school for Patrick,” Mr Waring said.

“He’s lost virtually all of Year 11 and the start of Year 12 and he’s had to grow up very fast. He lost his youth in there.”We didn’t tell anyone at school what had happened to him. He just disappeared. And now we couldn’t send him back there to face the ramifications of this.”

Patrick’s 24-year-old brother, Michael, also lost a year of study for his degree in computer science and information systems because of the ordeal.

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1 thought on “Females Will Never Lie about being Raped in Australia Either?

  1. When I watched the documentary “Every parent’s nightmare” (SBS, June 9) I was disgusted beyond belief that anything like this could happen in Australia. It made me thoroughly ashamed to be Australian. I thought we prided ourselves on innocent until PROVEN guilty. It seems incredible that a decent family can virtually be ruined by the barefaced lies of some filthy little toerag who doubtless cooked up the tale against Patrick with the help of her airhead boyfriend whom she had been bonking just before the alleged rape. What initially made the girl accuse Patrick? Any coincidence between Mr & Mrs Waring conveniently being on holidays when all this blew up? What sort of system sends a boy to jail at all, let alone for almost a year, on remand when nobody had established that an actual crime had been committed instead of mere sex? I mean rape is a bit different.
    It seems incredible that the police investigation was so flawed from the start and that the case proceeded as far as it did on nothing more than hearsay most of which the girl herself admitted were lies. How such a case ever went to trial is beyond me. I can only begin to imagine the psychological torment the Waring family were going through especially during the trial and even more so during jury deliberations. Mrs Waring actually thought Patrick will be safer in jail out of reach (she believed) of the police. I mean, how desperate is that?
    If anything has come out of this it is what an incredible family the Warings are. They stuck together throughout the hell that was the ordeal that would have sorely tried a lesser family.
    Questions remain, however.
    1.The fight to clear his name and regain his freedom has cost his family everything and Patrick has lost a year of his childhood while in jail.

    2.Experts say that the same situation could arise at any time, involving any family, in any Australian state.

    3.Why did the girl decide to falsely accuse some boy who had asked for her number.?

    4.Is the girl going to be charged with making a false statement to police?

    5.Why can the Australian government find $200,000 and an Airbus to rescue some Yankee nitwit from her yacht in the Southern Ocean yet we can’t find any money to help the Warings? Where are our priorities?

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