Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

ISTANBUL CONVENTION – A sabotage to divide Society


Its a Treaty of the Council of Europe opens the path for creating a legal framework at pan-European level to protect women against all forms of violence, and prevent, prosecute and eliminate violence against women and domestic violence.

The Convention also establishes a specific monitoring mechanism (“GREVIO“) in order to ensure effective implementation of its provisions by the Parties.

All the Members of Council of Europe including Turkey, Azerbaijan, United Kingdom and all East European Countries

The European treaty came into force in 2014. But nine years later, Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia have not ratified the Convention. Indeed, opposition has mounted in recent years:

2018: Bulgaria’s constitutional court ruled the treaty was unconstitutional
2019: Slovakia rejected the treaty
2020: Hungary’s parliament approved a declaration refusing to ratify the Convention
2020: Polish government announced its intention to withdraw from the Convention
2021: Turkey formally withdrew from the Convention.
2022: Turkey’s top administrative court ruled that the country’s withdrawal from the Convention was legal.

The Istanbul Convention has been criticized for a broad range of reasons. These are some of the most serious flaws:

Moreover, domestic legislation already provides for a comprehensive protection system that includes, inter alia, social, health, psychological and legal assistance for victims.

There are laws in every country to protect women rights; there is no need of such treat global level. As most of the member countries objected can be seen here in details.


Lately even Ukraine objected same way, even they are facing WAR with Russia.

Ukraine does not consider any of the provisions of the Convention as obliging to amend the Constitution of Ukraine and the Family Code of Ukraine, other laws of Ukraine regarding the institutions of marriage, family and adoption, as well as interfering with the right of parents to upbringing their children in accordance with their own beliefs.

It’s a Feminists agenda to push for this treaty as it is full of flaws and one sided.

When UN or European countries are making such treaties or laws for Women, they totally ignore Men and others. They think only women are harassed and victimised. They will not draft one laws or treaty for all Gender, even if drafted feminists will not agree.

Men and women engage in partner aggression for a variety of reasons, its not gender specific, including anger, jealousy, and control. These are worsened by factors such as substance abuse, mental health problems, and undergoing a separation or divorce. But the Istanbul Convention makes no mention of these causes. The Istanbul Convention s neglect of these reasons substantially limits its effectiveness in controlling domestic violence. In India as per independent survey there are more men are killed by women and her lovers than women killed by her partner. But NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau of India) is taking into account nor there is any provision in yearly crime statistics for Men.

The Convention’s title makes it clear that domestic violence against men is not a focus of the treaty. The Istanbul Convention s text uses the phrase, “violence against women,” 56 times, while “violence against men” is not mentioned once. But hundreds of studies, conducted in both Europe and elsewhere, reveal that domestic violence is not a “gendered” problem men and women are equally likely to engage in domestic violence. Women is capable to commit crime equal to Man, there are many examples that women even killed innocent husband single handedly. But because of feminist lobby European Union ignore this fact, even UN follow the same.

The Istanbul Convention treaty is based on an ideological stance — which is not supported by science that domestic violence is caused by power imbalances that favour men over women. So domestic violence perpetrated by women is considered to be a non-issue. Hence, the Istanbul Convention represents a human rights treaty that pits women against men, in the process falsely stereotyping men as abusers. There is no proper mechanism to evaluate or law makers listen to men when Women allege violence on her. Instead setting up proper mechanism to decide who the perpetrator is and who is the victim all these countries without any valid study from all stake holders just keep on making laws only for women. Instead The Convention is establishes a specific monitoring mechanism (“GREVIO“) in order to ensure effective implementation of its provisions by the member countries.

Article 30 of Istanbul Convention about Compensation, but it nowhere says Compensation to the victim of false accusations as most of the time women make false accusation, but no women were ordered to Compensate for the harassment, agony faced by Men. Johny Depp is the best example, there are thousands of such Johnny Depp but they are never heard of nor they get any justice.

Not only The Istanbul Convention treaty is full of flows, one sided, drafted with the mindset of feminists, it violate basic human rights, Equality and drafted in one goal to divide society on Gender.

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