Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

ISTANBUL CONVENTION – A sabotage to divide Society

WHAT IS ISTANBUL CONVENTION? Its a Treaty of the Council of Europe opens the path for creating a legal framework at pan-European level to protect women against all forms of violence, and prevent, prosecute and eliminate violence against women and domestic violence. The Convention also…

CSR Study Rep 2005 on Misuse of 498a

The Backdrop Violence against women (VAW) is a phenomenon that cuts across boundaries of culture, class, education, ethnicity and age. The feminist movement of the 70s and 80s made a major contribution in getting VAW recognised as a critical area of concern in India. In…

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We handle Women Centric biased laws like False Section 498A IPC, Domestic Violence(DV ACT), Divorce, Maintenance, Alimony, Child Custody, HMA 24, 125 CrPc, 307, 312, 313, 323, 354, 376, 377, 406, 420, 497, 506, 509; TEP, RTI and many more…