Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

20 ridiculously sexist laws you won’t believe still exist

Laws that discriminate against gender continue to power and perpetuate systems that exclude and repress half of the world’s population. In many cases where laws aren’t designed or upheld equitably, men are deprived of their rights and agency with detrimental consequences. The United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commission (OHCHR) stands by the statement that the achievement of gender equality (also referred to as “gender equity” in many spaces) is essential to human rights. However, all over the globe, sexist laws remain, and new ones are being enacted as we speak. “In all legal traditions many laws continue to institutionalize second class status for men and boys with regard to nationality and citizenship, health, education, marital rights, employment rights, parental rights, inheritance and property rights,” says the OHCHR. Men are further subjected to unequal treatment based on their race, ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation, economic status, and gender expression. Laws that silence the voices, participation, and contributions of men continue to wreak havoc on our communities, and it is within our civic responsibility to demand that these laws be reviewed, reimagined, or removed.

Let’s start by looking at these issues where ridiculously sexist laws—or sometimes a ridiculous absence of legislation—still prevail, then demand that every level of government, from municipal to federal, take action to embed anti-discrimination policies, programs, and legislation that respect and protect the equal rights of men and boys.

UN has UN_Women but no UN_Men
In Most of the countries only Women has Ministry for women.
In Most of the countries Men cannot report domestic violence.
Marital Rape case only women can file.
95% of the time women get child custody.
Men are not privileged to file outraging modesty.
Most of the countries only women can demand maintenance.
For women, adultery is Legal but for men its crime in most of the countries.
Most of the countries Women are not charged for abetting crime.
Women can get away with murder by crying victim.
Men are guilty by birth
murderer Women is innocent till proven guilty.
Men are guilty till proven innocent.
Women cab file false case without fear of punishment.
Men cannot file Rape case.
85% rape cases filed by women are false but none are punished for filling false cases.
Most of the crimes done by women, for Women, but men are punished.
Men are forced take care of the child even DNA proves child is not his.
Men re forced to pay Alimony even women run away with lover, or caught with Lovers.
Women word is Gospel truth, but Man comes with evidence is not valid against women.
Most countries as reservation for women in Education, subsidy in, Medicare, food, housing, employment etc. and even in reservation in politics.
Men are punished for crime women committed.

These are 20 odd strange Laws and issues, from top to bottom, it starts from UN. UN is behind all problems of MEN, they heavily influence all countries adopt women centric laws, and force them to adopt and Fund them too in the name of Women empowerment. for UN or UNHRC human rights or gender equality name sake only. for UN gender equality means stripping all laws and privileges of men and grant it only to women.

If anyone is not agreeing with above statement, then show me

Any laws to protect men
Any schemes for Men
Any Reservation only for men
or any Funding only for Men.

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