Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

eMpower Women with FeminISM

The movement feminism, which claims the path to social nirvana is the liberation of women and the creation of a genderless society.

The series of laws that purported to protect women from predatory males: sexual harassment, domestic violence, and broadly-worded rape statutes. In theory they sounded good. But in practice, they violated men’s fundamental Constitutional protections of due process and equal protection under the law .

But in practice, feminism cares nothing about mere equality, they want superior laws, in the name of Equality and eMpower women. This feminism endeavors to remake women in the image of men. Feminism seeks to remove women’s choice to marry, bear children, and devote themselves to child-rearing. In the name equality they challenge men in every field, that leads to gender struggle and society chaos. eMpower women is social nightmare to men. Because feminism wants to remake men in the image of women. In the feminist vision, men are a continual threat to women, obstacle to women growth, so they want to castrate men, and their ultimate goal  is dominate men.
Queen Victoria on feminism, mad, wicked folly of Womans Rights.

(1) A successful couple has a man who cares about status and an woman who cares about closeness while a family breaks if woman cares about status.

In present day scenarios Feminists ideology is to make women care for status and men beg for closeness.

(2) 18th century philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau, said “Man is born free, but now is everywhere in chains.” Rousseau’s idea was that we are naturally good and pure, but that society has made us evil and twisted.

(3) Young housewives, neither men nor elderly women, are the prey of feminism.

(4) Feminists do not speak for traditional women either.

Traditional women must defend themselves because the feminist offensive is a breach of solidarity between men and women.

(5) There is a lot of similarity among lesbian and feminist; in both the cases the women are young, sexually aroused and sexually driven,they can not control themselves because of their biological problem like genetic disorder (for lesbian) and hormonal disorder (for feminists). Both of them need great deal of medical attention and the disease is probably incurable.

(6) Women have to choose between traditional intelligence and brut force technique of feminism because even a single trouble making feminist can upset a billion of population.

Sometime a whole Nation fights against a single terrorist it does not mean the Nation is weaker than the terrorist.

(7) Feminists have a very shallow understanding and knowledge, for example they consider cleaning their body and making up to look beautiful is a symbol of feminism.

All traditional religions teaches to remain clean and hygienic.

(8) Feminists believe whenever you have a drive to satisfy you bodily needs you should go for it on your own.

All religions teaches every man and woman to have faith and love each other deeply, exploring each others love from the bottom of heart, so that neither man nor woman can feel erratic sexual drive in unusual manner, time or place.

(9) Sexism is the term that was coined by feminists for wrongs of belief or action with respect to women that seemed to them comparable to the wrongs of belief and action signified by racism. However, where racists may be reasonably said to have some manufacturing defect like significant genetic disorder, there are real continuing questions, and steadily mounting evidence, about whether human sexual differences of behavior between feminist and honest person has a deep rooted genetic basis.

(10) gender feminism, is essentially based on a form of Marxist theory that substitutes gender for Marx’s category of class, and adds one more sub-category of homosexuality . Feminists believe Western civilization as the product of dead white males, however for Eastern civilizations that are built with rationality and justice of religion, the feminists feel uncomfortable and malign the Eastern and Middle Eastern society as the creation of dead non-white males.

The spread of Western Feminism into East is thus comparable to spreading of AIDS virus that can wreck havoc even if it is started by few individuals.

(11) In the 70’s feminism came to be perceived as simply anti-family, anti-marriage, anti-children, and perhaps even anti-religion, not to mention anti-men. Feminism presented the family as a kind of prison, with a working career on the outside as a kind of liberation. This did not take into account that for most people a family has always been the meaning of their life, the finding and creation of the closest relatives that a human being can have. Men did not go to work to enjoy the self-fulfillment of work. They went to work to support their families, often at jobs that they positively hated, or at least just tolerated for the sake of the income. Few men were so fortunate as to be doing something fulfilling or interesting that paid the bills at the same time.

Feminists lament that women often give up years, or all of their careers, in order to have children… ‘

(12) A job is to make a living, and the worth of living is to have a home and spouse and children and some leisure to enjoy them, working at personal projects or hobbies and watching the kids grow up. Because of that, most men were simply bewildered and astonished by feminism back in the 70’s and could not figure out what feminism means and their potential impact in our family life as well as society at large could be.

(13) Feminism is perceived as having an attitude to hate the family:by not only ignoring other family members but also militantly rejecting the focus of meaning in people’s lives.

(14) There are established relations between ruler and subject; parent and child; husband and wife; teacher and student; older brother and younger brother; older friend and younger friend. In each of these relationships the elder or higher member owes benevolent protection and care to the lower or younger, while the lower owes to the higher conscientious (i.e. not blind) obedience and loyalty. These relationships are mostly established by who one is, not what one does or wants, and this in great measure is determined by birth.

The Feminist-idea of personal fulfillment, self-realization or opportunity for individual growth is simply non-existent in family values.

(15) Feminists do not want any kind of marriage or family.

If it is not just a matter of what one wants, however, but of a judgment that the institution of marriage is wrong, then this can lead to speculation about human life without families, relations outside married life, indiscriminate sex and widespread AIDS epidemic.

(16) Human nature is socially constructed .

As per Feminists view, there really is no nature, only nurture selfishness and greed according to some twisted ideology. With no nature, nothing is really natural, no natural feelings, no natural desires, no natural actions, no natural responses.

(17) Some people are smarter than others, some are taller, some have certain desires. Whether differences like that align with sexual differences is an interesting question to scientists. There are mounting evidences pointing to the fact that there are significant differences characteristic of sexes, that none can eliminate.

To enforce some eccentric preconception that women have to be equal with men and how the sexes must be, the Feminists are hell bent to destroy people’s freedom and movement in that respect.

(18) Lets take one issue what feminism likes to call male violence. There is little doubt that men are suited for war and women, mostly,are not, men are more intelligent and women are mostly not. And men are suited for war not only because they are larger and stronger but also more aggressive to achieve their goal. Feminism translates this into a belief that men are naturally violent. Feminists are so adamant in that they believe the naturally violent qualities of men are merely the result of social conditioning. Women can be just as aggressive and violent if they had been taught to be that way, and were expected to be that way, from childhood.

Feminists advocate many more women population to break family ties and raise girl child by winning through child custody battle.

(19) Feminists ideology is that the masculine should be abandoned and the feminine adopted right across the board (even, paradoxically, in the military)

which again presupposes that the masculine is something that can be abandoned. In terms of the traditions of the past and the best evidence of the present, this seems unlikely.

Attempting social engineering through politics, which now extends to sexual harassment bill in the workplace and a de-masculinization  of the military, will most likely result in a phenomenon where the reality being driven into the disaster and expressed in the most destructive and irrational ways, as noticed with street gangs, etc.

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