Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

5 thoughts on “GREAT INDIA, GONE TO DOGS.

  1. Laws are requires, What is the harm in women and children having rights?? Itis progressive and not regressive

  2. My question to the rajesh above. Does having rights for women mean tha men must be imprisoned? Do their others and sisters be jailed without any reason or rhyme?

    Are our mothers and sisters now women? do our pregnant sisters who are put in jail and extorted for money seems funny to you?

    Every year 95,000 innocent men, 80,000 innocent women are put in jail. In addition to this EVERY DAY, at-least two little children and 3 pregnant women are put in jail to be proven innocent later in JUST false dowry law (498a). Shame on those who abuse thier mothers or some one else’s mothers without even spending 5 minutes to know the truth.

    Shame shame barbarians who put our mothers and sisters in jail without any evidence. Yes they are proven innocent after 10 yaers but that does not undo their pain and suffereing.


  3. Dear Crusader

    You said something along the lines
    “As per my knowledge, India, on its own, never had, in at least our known history, the notion of the …”

    and concluding that India learn modern sciences
    at the cost of spiritual.

    I would have to humbly point out that you are wrong. There are scientific treatises in Veda. There are some shlokas that deal with value of PI.

    There is timetable in Upanishad that predicts
    life of Universe in several billions of years.

    There is a treatise on intelligent life forms leaving on Sun. Yes, Indian philosophy says that
    “God exists everywhere”. And that does mean life
    forms on sun. Those residing on Sun would not have body made out of carbon and water like you and me. They’d have different bodies but no less

    In Satyuga times, Life of a Human was 100000 years. In Dwapar it was 10000. In Treta it was 1000. In Kali it is 100 and towards the end of Kali it will go even lower.

    Read a book named “Searching for Vedic India” by Devamrita Swami. It is fascinating …

  4. KAVI;
    There is no scientific evidence to support the claim of whatever written in Veda;
    man lived 10000 years or has timetable of universe; its upto spiritualist to beleive.

    Similar reference can be found in MAYAN CALENDER TOO; WITH MORE ACCURACY.

    If you want to argue on this forward it to vedantis; lets debate begin.
    but the subject line OF THIS POST is

  5. inspite of the clear indiacation to devide and rule policy. it had gone so ahead it can not be reverse back, mind of the people get poisioned and habtiual for devide and rule.
    Today every women want to become Boss of every decision, wheather it is wrong as per our old culture. God even cannot save this country.
    people are so cruel that who Boked Down, he will loose everthing. those who raise his voice can live in this world.

    Jillat ki jindagi se acchi Fighter ki Maut


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