Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

FUBAR Sports, Coming to a Place Near You

Dateline: Sweden, EU
By: Pitbull
From: The Local
Via: The Honor Network

Priority News Exchange Program News Item (PNEP)

Sweden is a leading place for aggressive feminism and if you had any doubt you can look no further that its national soccer side:
“I am not trying to harm Sweden’s chances of winning Euro 2008, but it is my responsibility to ensure that women are fairly represented at the highest levels of sport,” said ombudsman Gudrun Grönberg in a statement.Grönberg, whose department falls under the remit of Minister for Culture and Sport, Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth, said she would use “all the powers at her disposal” to push through the recommendation.

Please learn the rules of the PC sport: When men are better at something we need affirmative action and chivalry, and where men are weaker we need equality and an acceptance of women are just better.

Sport is the last male bastion and feminists aim to neuter it!

For more click:[url]http://www.thelocal.se/10824/20080401/[/url]

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