Voice Against Gender Biased Laws and Family Breaking FemiNAZIs.

Atrocities and Crimes against Men and his family

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD PDF Standing Committee Report Summary Atrocities and Crimes against Men and his family In Response to the Standing Committee on Home Affairs (Chair: Mr. Anand Sharma) submitted its report on the subject ‘Atrocities and Crimes against Women and Children on March…

How Law and orders work for Men in India

Myself Ravi Kumar (imaginary Name) got married in June 2019. We also went to honeymoon and happily spend 4 month with each other. But soon she started to run away from matrimonial responsibilities and demanded to go separate from my family with further condition that…

PRESS RELEASE – Petition to modify clauses drafted in Senior Citizens Act (Amendment) BILL 2018

PRESS RELEASE   Petition to modify clauses drafted in Senior Citizens Act (Amendment) BILL 2018   Law forces MEN to Pay Maintenance to Estranged Wife;  even if she is caught with her lover. Now Govt is planning to force you to pay to Wife’s parents…

All cheating cunning wives never get caught by husband

Almost 100 per cent of women who cheat on their partners never get found out, but men are not as good at covering their tracks with 17 percent admitting to getting caught, a new survey has found. The research carried out by a dating website…

Government – Pro or Anti People

Most of the countries of the World are Democratic Countries, or similar version of same Government. For the People, by the People, that’s what we think. But in reality it’s not so. We think, Selected and elected representative make good governance for the wellbeing of…

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